Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Wasabi Oreo & Hot Chicken Wing Oreo: Rare Imports

Wasabi Oreo & Hot Chicken Wing Oreo

Those in-the-know can write reams about the way American Snack-Food Imperialism has adapted products like Kit Kats for foreign markets. It's that way across the world, on every continent (fyi the Kit Kats out of Europe are the absolute bomb). For Western tongues the flavors that emanate out of China and Southeast Asia are particularly legendary. Japan, for instance, has Rum Raisin, Green Tea (which are great), Blueberry, and Grape Kit Kat bars. Good shit.

Oreo has taken awhile to get on the bandwagon, at least in terms of advertising their geography-locked flavors globally to build up hype. Last August's announcement of Wasabi and Hot Chicken Wing flavors spread across the internet like wildfire, but getting them was still pretty difficult. I was holding off – at $10 a pack, getting both would be a real price to pay for what sounded like horrible cookies. Thankfully my friend Danitza got them for me for Christmas.

They arrived today, 1 / 2 / 2019 in a package that looked somewhat suspicious to my wife. Turns out it was a transpacific flavor bomb.

I opened them as soon as I arrived at home, taking one of each and placing them on a plate for ocular appreciation. They're thinner than regular Oreos, ever-so-slightly smaller and less creme filled.

Time to dig in.

Wasabi Oreos

Back in Junior High some of my friends would snack on Wasabi-flavored chickpeas. I was never a huge fan of the snack but I would eat pretty much anything back then, and they did the trick. I have wasabi in other dishes from time to time. The idea of Wasabi flavored Oreos wasn't terribly odd.

As always chocolate Oreo flavor once again sucks and can't really go it alone - it has to mesh with the creme. That's a problem with most of the bad Oreos. The blunt 'chocolate' of an Oreo cookie does not mix well with the Wasabi flavor. It's terrible. Not life-changing terrible, but bad enough that I couldn't think of a reason to finish an entire cookie. 

Thinking positively, I think there may well be an audience for this cookie. If you love Wasabi flavor, and don't mind mixing it with chocolate, you may actually enjoy it.

Hot Chicken Wing

 what  the fuck did we expect? 

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