Monday, January 14, 2019

Hop your way to the store to get Carrot Cake Oreos.

Carrot Cake Oreo

Carrot Cake Oreo are the first Oreo flavor to make my office workers say “Thanks” instead of the usual “Why did you bring these in.” I call that a win! 

They were first released in January 2019, a three-month-early prelude to Easter. Carrots - I hear Jesus loved them.

2018 saw a lot of experimental flavors (Cherry Cola, Kettle Corn, etc), so it’s nice to see a standard “other desert made Oreo flesh” kinda thing happening here. I can’t usually eat Carrot Cake because people are dicks about adding nuts to their recipes.


Anyway, I liked allergen-free Carrot Cake I have eaten in the past, and this is one of the best cookies I’ve had from Oreo in awhile. Like, really. I think the last cookie I’ve felt this strongly about were the Waffle & Syrup variety. This is a strong contender for my Top 10 Oreo list. Half of which you can no longer buy. Sorry.

They’re the first cookie to have a ‘carrot cake’ cookie which is basically just slightly lighter ‘graham’ flavor.

Cream Cheese, just like the earlier Red Velvet variety. But honestly it tastes just like regular vanilla icing - the kind you'd buy out of a can in the middle aisles of a grocery. Growing up it was a Dossey family snack to just take a graham cracker and cover it with a thick layer of icing. Delicious. That's how Carrot Cake Oreos taste, except in compact cookie form.

Milk Taste Test:
Yep, checks out.

My 2019 diet is fucked.

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