History: Heads or Tails Oreos are, like Golden, an 'Oreo Take' on a classic sandwich cookie. Vanilla cookie, vanilla creme, chocolate cookie. It's an obvious variant that is, obviously, awful. Heads or Tails came about in 2009 or 2010, when I was in college. I immediately tried some, and was put off by the way the combined chocolate and vanilla flavors produce an odd, overly-sweet, glue-like flavor. Gross. I bought another package a week ago. Maybe my memories weren't being fair. But my memory for Oreos is spotless. Heads or Tails Oreos totally blow.
Cookie: The chocolate cookie has an oddly muted flavor, even when separated from the cookie. The Golden, as always, is weird and bland and not particularly good. Somehow its blandness seeps into the chocolate cookie. What a waste.
Creme: Vanilla creme, double-stuf. I already have strong feelings regarding double-stuf (Chocolate are mediocre, Golden are great), and this definitely belongs in the 'mediocre' category. The lousy cookies don't interact well with the creme.
Milk Taste Test: I'm lactose intolerant, so really, any milk taste test for me is defined by the simple question: "Is this cookie worth massive dietary pain just to dip it in milk?" The answer for Heads or Tails is no. The expanded answer is that these cookies give me dietary pain just looking at them.
Gorgability: I threw away the package soon after opening it, because eating them wasn't a pleasurable experience.
In Summary: a solid 1/5, would never buy again.
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