History: Look at my beautiful fingers in that picture. Clearly, I put a lot of time into it. Anyway. The "Filled Cupcake Oreo" was introduced in early 2016, and marks another 'first' for the Oreo brand: two-textured creme filling. Holey moley, Nabisco, slow down. You're starting to scare me.
Cookie: A traditional chocolate cookie.
Creme: Filled Cupcake Oreos feature a cupcake chocolate outer ring, with a middle dollop of smooth vanilla creme in the center. I don't really like Oreo chocolate filling; it is either too dry or too rich, or both. Neither of which are preferred qualities when it comes to snack cookies. The texture of the outer ring is traditional Oreo creme; the middle is a bit softer, not far from the filling in this variant's namesake. Feeling the softer creme hit your tongue is, I admit, a very pleasing experience. But flavor-wise, the Filled Cupcake Oreo doesn't have much on traditional chocolate Oreos.
Milk Taste Test: Not necessary, but about as effective as milk is on making basic chocolate Oreos better, which is to say, minimally.
Gorgability: Too rich to really gorge. I ended up trashing my package a few cookies in.
Rating: 2/5. Worth trying, but nothing worth buying a second time.
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