History: The Cinnamon Bun Oreo was introduced in January, 2016.
Cookie: The Cinnamon Bun Oreo was the first to introduce a cinnamon cookie. The cinnamon cookie is lightly cinnamon, nowhere near the more powerful snack-pack flavor of, say, cinnamon teddy grahams. A friend of mine who dislikes cinnamon tried one of these cookies and said they weren't too strong, so I feel comfortable saying this: everybody loves them. Except my sister, who didn't.
Creme: The Cinnamon Bun Oreo has a slightly different creme, made to taste like vanilla icing. It's a much more potent 'vanilla icing' flavor than the traditional vanilla creme in regular oreos. It is delicious. The closest I can come to describing this creme is that the Cinnamon Bun Oreo as a whole tastes like the old snack product "Dunkaroos." If you are unfamiliar, you should make an effort to hunt them down.
Milk Taste Test: Decent in milk! But not a necessity. The cinnamon cookie does not interact with milk in a substantial way, unlike chocolate.
Gorgability: I found the Cinnamon Bun Oreo to be a fun flavor, but not one I needed to eat an entire pack of to truly appreciate. However, my sister's boyfriend did. Your mileage may vary.
Rating: 3 / 5: An adequate and delicious speciality flavor. Definitely on the higher end of Dessert-Varieties. Unique.
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