History: First released in 2012, the Lemon Twist Oreo became a permanent member of the Oreo family in 2013. The Lemon Cookie is a classic variety in the sandwich cookie world. Like Golden, these were a no-brainer. Unlike Golden, they totally rock.
Cookie: A classic golden cookie. Nothing to write home about.
Creme: The Lemon Creme is both tart and sweet. It's the perfect level of lemon flavoring, without being an odd and overwhelming experience. It goes well with tea, milk, and, well, pretty much anything. It is a relaxing creme. You can eat it forever. It makes you feel classy; it's the kind of cookie a sweet old grandmother might have at her house; not too sweet, not too weird, and not a cookie you appreciate until you're a bit older.
Milk Taste Test: Decent! Not necessary, but decent.
Gorgability: I brought a ziploc full of these to "Batman v. Superman," and by the end of the movie I had eaten all of them. Then again, I might have been eating away the pain of watching the crap. But the deliciousness of the Lemon Creme Oreo certainly did not deter me.
Summary: 3/5. A high '3.' I would never say the Lemon is a must-buy, or a frequent buy, but it is a decent buy.
Note: My Failure

The "Lemon Twist w/ Chocolate Cookie" Oreo is the only variant I have missed in the past six years. It never came to the Hoosier market. I managed to duplicate the basic concept by buying Frankensteining myself one using Lemon Twist and Chocolate Creme Oreos, but I doubt it was the same. Someday I will try these. Someday.