History: The "Oreo Thin" was released in summer 2015. Three variants are available: regular, mint, and golden.
The Oreo Thin
Cookie: Mint & Regular Oreo Thins rely on a half-thick chocolate cookie; Golden relies on a half-thick golden cookie. Golden Thins are as mediocre as Golden Oreos, so we'll just ignore them for the purpose of this review.
My primary concern going into my first Thins experience was that the halved cookies would maintain a strong chocolatey taste, while the halved creme would loose all impact on the flavor of the cookie. Boy, was I wrong. The pleasant surprise about Oreo Thins is that the smaller cookie means less chalky break-up in your mouth (a common problem with regular Oreos), meaning you don't need to brush your teeth after eating an entire package. The flavor is about the same, and the ratio of cookie to creme taste remains consistent. The only downside to Oreo Thins is that they're relatively limited in eating variety; you can't really separate them like a regular Oreo. You can, however, flip them like a coins. So that's cool.
Creme: Either Vanilla or Mint. Both carry their weight, but I want to highlight Mint. The Mint Oreo Thin is the closest we have to an adequate Thin Mint replacement 11 months out of the year. An all-around all-star mint snack cookie.
Milk Taste-Test: The harder consistency of the Oreo Thin means that it doesn't break apart in milk the same way that regular Oreos do. However, they're not really made for dipping. They'd work well as a garnish for an ice cream sundae.
Gorgability: Of course you should gorge these. They're made smaller so you can eat a regular serving and feel less gluttonous. HAHAHA. Now that they're bite-sized, eating an entire package is easier. And less guilt-inducing! Do it to it.
Rating: 4 for Mint, 3 for Regular, 2 for Golden.
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